Together we form the Body of Believers, a United Family, dedicated to worshipping the Lord God in Spirit and in Truth – John 4:23-24. That explains why we welcome you. Your visit has not and cannot be a chance. It was ordained of God. So, we encourage you to spend a few minutes to view our web pages.
As a Church, our goal is to LOVE each other without conditions or expectations. It is our prayer and desire to extend this love to you as well.
Christ’s Ambassadors’ Ministries is a trans-denominational, not-for-profit 501 c [3] Church organization. The revelation about the Church was given under the leading of the Holy Spirit and is principally focused on soul-winning, and to offer deliverance from the shackles of sin and Satan, through the knowledge and demonstration of the name and power of Jesus Christ. The Ministry extends hands of fellowship to other Church organizations in the Ministry of God’s Word and in administering helps to the needy – in the areas of spirituality, health and wealth – in accordance with the Word of God [III John v.2].
If you are seeking true fellowship of believers, who will accept you as you are and where you are, and will challenge you to grow in faith and in the Word of God, you have found that family. We do not promise to be perfect, but we will continue to uphold the Lord’s biddings – in making our Church a warm home’. What He says, we will do. Where He sends, we will go. Who He brings, we will cherish and uphold and nurture.
Let’s together honor Him in true worship and fellowship.
You are indeed WELCOME!!
-Senior Pastor